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Medication Management


Medication Management

The Progress Place, Inc. offers medication management services to those patients currently under our care or in one of our programs. We understand that many behavioral or psychological conditions require medicinal treatment, which is why our Board-Certified psychiatrists will evaluate each case to determine whether medication is appropriate, and our caring professionals will make sure medications are distributed and dosed appropriately.

Psychiatric Evaluation

Once referred to The Progress Place, patients will be evaluated by a Board-Certified psychiatrist. This evaluation will cover emotional, behavioral, social, and intellectual concerns. Should medication be appropriate, we will do everything possible to make sure medications are metered out and offered in appropriate levels and at appropriate intervals.


Treatment and Medication: Hand-in-Hand

Medication is not magic. At The Progress Place, we view medication as a part of a comprehensive, robust treatment plan, not as a cure. With any psychiatric medication, the ultimate goal is usually to eventually make the medication itself unnecessary. We want patients to get better and to be able to function in their home, school, or work life.

Give us a call today at 678-894-0288 to learn more, or, if you’re a professional, fill out our referral forms to get started!
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